Course Content:
- The first declension / Nominative case
- Introduction to rAmAyaNam
- The second declension / Objective case, the simple present tense
- Introduction to nAtya-shAstram
- The third declension / Instrumental case, the future tense
- Introduction to pancha-tantram
- The third declension / Instrumental case, the imperative mood
- Introduction to vyakarana-shAstram
- The fourth declension / Dative case
- Introduction to mahAbhAratam
- The fifth declension / Ablative case
- Introduction to darshana-shAstram
Learning Objectives: In this course, students will be able to:
- Distinguish and Classify noun declensions;
- Appreciate basic verses from select passages;
- Examine and Recognize the grammatical outline of Sanskrit;
- Practice reading, writing, and composing simple passages; and
- Use different parts of speech and their variations.
Required / Elective: Required
Area of Study: Sanskrit Studies
Program of Study: Certificate Program in Sanskrit Proficiency (CP SP)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of SAN0203
Faculty / Instructor: Sri Srinath Chakravarty
Start Date: July 14, 2022
End Date: September 15, 2022
Day: Thursday
Time: 08:00 pm EST – 09:30 pm EST
Quarter Offered: Summer 2022