
The Hindu University of America is designed to serve humanity. Anyone who wishes to participate in its advancement may do so.

The Advancement of Hindu University of America’s Vision and Mission is inextricably tied to its community of Advocates and Ambassadors, Board Members, Donors, and Philanthropists who wish to see the University thrive and reach its rightful place as a reputable and respectable American University.

At the Hindu University of America, we see the advancement function as an opportunity to enable us to achieve our shared aspirations, while moving the institution forward.

The Office of Advancement at the Hindu University of America strives to be a good steward of the gifts made to the university by ensuring that donated funds are used for the purposes for which they were designated, providing donors with annual reports detailing how their gifts were used and how they benefited the community.

Advancement at the Hindu University of America encompasses four vital focus areas.

Community Outreach

Seeks to engage deeply with the Hindu community nationwide to expand awareness and support

Annual Campaign

Focuses on soliciting sustenance funds from an expanding network of annual donors for meeting the operational expenses of the university on an annual basis

Capital Gifts

Intensive efforts to raise a significant amount over a limited period to increase the institution's capital assets, either physical or financial

Planned Giving

The solicitation of a planned gift where an individual bequeaths a portion of their estate in the form of cash, stock or real estate to the university after their death

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