
Sri. Chandrasekhar Vellore

Chandrasekhar Vellore (Chandru) has an Electronics Engineer degree from Delhi College of Engineering and a MBA degree from Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta. After a career spanning 34 years in multinational organizations in Banking and Financial Services, where he and his family have had the opportunity to live and assimilate in countries like the US, Singapore and UAE, Chandru has recently retired from MasterCard. He is based in Miami, Florida.

Despite being a global citizen, Chandru treasures his roots in India – its traditions, culture and Sanatana Dharma. Chandru hails from a family of Samskritam vidwans and he is looking to continue to build on that tradition by getting involved in Samskritam – both as a student as well as a teacher.

He’s a Board Director at AARSHA VIDYAA BHAARATI, Houston, TX for a year. He has also served as an AVB Samskritam teacher for 2 years.

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