
Advanced Sanskrit - Poetry, Literature, Writings, and Biographies

SAN0403 – Gain proficiency in the vidhiling lakAra, certain usages, 4 more types of sandhis, anvaya-krama,  and 2 laukeeka-nyAyas (maxims / analogies), through simple stories and essays. Students will also get introduced to letter writing and a few more great poets of Sanskrit literature.

This course is the part of the program-Certificate Program in Sanskrit Proficiency- Advanced Phase. We strongly recommend registering for the complete program consisting of 8 quarters. The fees for complete certificate program in advanced phase are $1800 in contrast to $2400. (25% off of the complete fee) (Excludes shipping and handling of textbooks)

Click here to check if you are eligible for a scholarship

Book required – Saurabham. If you do not have a book, please write to support@old.hua.edu


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Course Code: SAN0403

Credit Hours: 1.5

Course Level: 100

SAN0403 – Gain proficiency in the vidhiling lakAra, certain usages, 4 more types of sandhis, anvaya-krama,  and 2 laukeeka-nyAyas (maxims / analogies), through simple stories and essays. Students will also get introduced to letter writing and a few more great poets of Sanskrit literature.

This course is the part of the program-Certificate Program in Sanskrit Proficiency- Advanced Phase. We strongly recommend registering for the complete program consisting of 8 quarters. The fees for complete certificate program in advanced phase are $1800 in contrast to $2400. (25% off of the complete fee) (Excludes shipping and handling of textbooks)

Click here to check if you are eligible for a scholarship

Book required – Saurabham. If you do not have a book, please write to support@old.hua.edu


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Course Content

  1. Vidhiling lakAra, tavyat, aneeyar usages
  2. 4 types of sandhis (yAntavAntAdesha-sandhi, pUrvarUpa-sandhi, shchutva-sandhi, and jashtva-sandhi)
  3. Prose order (anvaya-krama)
  4. Maxims and Analogies (laukeeka-nyAya) – sthAlipulAka-nyAya, ghaTTakuTeeprabhAta-nyAya
  5. Introduction to 3 great poets of Sanskrit literature (bANa, gangAdevee, tirumalAmbA)
  6. Letter writing in Sanskrit

Learning Objectives: In this course, students will be able to: 

  • Construct phrases with additional tenses and conjugates;
  • Examine important proverbs embedded in the literature;
  • Create correspondence via standard letter writing norms; and
  • Inquire further into biographies of poets and litterateurs.

Required / Elective: Required 

Area of Study: Sanskrit Studies

Program of Study: Certificate Program in Sanskrit Proficiency (CP SP)

Prerequisites: Successful completion of SAN0402

Faculty / Instructor: Sri Srinath Chakravarty

Quarter Offered: Summer 2022

Start Date: April 12, 2022

End Date: June 14, 2022

Day: Tuesday

Time: 8:30 pm EST – 10:00 pm EST

Additional information

Quarter Offered
