
Applied Vedic Science - Vedanta (Basic)

(SAN8107) – The Vedic body of knowledge provides scope for different interpretations even when connected with the same objectives. Particularly, the last portions of the Vedas, called the Upaniṣads or Vedānta, are of a philosophical nature and have been variously interpreted by different schools of thought. It is interesting to study and understand the different interpretations of these different schools that approach the same source literature of Vedānta for establishing the conclusions of their varied theories. This course is the first of a two-part course series on Vedānta.


1) The medium of Instruction is Sanskrit

2)Only currently enrolled Sanskrit master’s certificate students can register for these courses.

3) Admission into Master Program in Sanskrit.

4) Completed previous MA Sanskrit Course


Course Code: SAN8107

Credit Hours: 3

Course Level: 800


(SAN8107) – The Vedic body of knowledge provides scope for different interpretations even when connected with the same objectives. Particularly, the last portions of the Vedas, called the Upaniṣads or Vedānta, are of a philosophical nature and have been variously interpreted by different schools of thought. It is interesting to study and understand the different interpretations of these different schools that approach the same source literature of Vedānta for establishing the conclusions of their varied theories. This course is the first of a two-part course series on Vedānta.


1) The medium of Instruction is Sanskrit

2)Only currently enrolled Sanskrit master’s certificate students can register for these courses.

3) Admission into Master Program in Sanskrit.

4) Completed previous MA Sanskrit Course

SKU: N/A Category:


Course Content:

This course provides a survey of the basic philosophical tenets of the different schools of Vedānta and introduces their primary sources. This course also provides the opportunity to study comparatively the respective commentaries of a principal Upaniṣad to aid the student in understanding the philosophical standpoints of these different schools.

In this course students will be able to:

  1. Understand the role of Vedānta in governing the Indic way of life.
  2. Understand the convergences and divergences of views among the different schools of Vedānta.
  3. Observe the multiplicity of interpretations of Vedic literature and the rationale behind such interpretations forming the basis of tenets propounded by the different schools of Vedānta.

Area of Study: Sanskrit Studies

Required / Elective: Required


1) The medium of Instruction is Sanskrit

2)Only currently enrolled Sanskrit master’s certificate students can register for these courses. (MIT-SVS)

3) Admission into Master Program in Sanskrit through MIT-SVS

4) Completed previous MA Sanskrit Course 

Faculty / Instructor: Dr. Mahabaleswara Bhat

Quarter Offered: Winter 2023


Additional information

Quarter Offered
