
Nyāya-vaiśeṣika Advanced

(SAN7104) – The key features of the Navya-nyāya system of thought as it evolved in time to become the main pramāṇa-śāstra (loosely the discipline of epistemology) in the world of Vedic knowledge systems are essential for the understanding of all other knowledge traditions. The Navya-nyāya system provided the technical language and structures that systematized presentation of thought and dialectics in the world of cognition. All other systems developed theories based on the foundations of the Navya-nyāya model as a reference standard.


1) The medium of Instruction is Sanskrit

2)Only currently enrolled Sanskrit master’s certificate students can register for these courses. 

3) Admission into Master Program in Sanskrit.

4) Completed previous MA Sanskrit Course 

Note: A late payment fee of $200 will be charged for registrations submitted after July 7, 2022


Course Code: SAN7104

Credit Hours: 3

Course Level: 700


(SAN7104) – The key features of the Navya-nyāya system of thought as it evolved in time to become the main pramāṇa-śāstra (loosely the discipline of epistemology) in the world of Vedic knowledge systems are essential for the understanding of all other knowledge traditions. The Navya-nyāya system provided the technical language and structures that systematized presentation of thought and dialectics in the world of cognition. All other systems developed theories based on the foundations of the Navya-nyāya model as a reference standard.


1) The medium of Instruction is Sanskrit

2)Only currently enrolled Sanskrit master’s certificate students can register for these courses. 

3) Admission into Master Program in Sanskrit.

4) Completed previous MA Sanskrit Course 

Note: A late payment fee of $200 will be charged for registrations submitted after July 7, 2022

SKU: N/A Category:


Course content:

This course introduces the ontology and classificatory schema of the merged system of Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika as presented in the primer named Tarka-saṅgraha, which is reviewed with refined definitions and logical arguments using the Navya-nyāya terminology. Using a key commentary named Dīpikā, the course develops the system of definitions and logic, and the generation of the complex terminology and technical language which came to be regarded as a benchmark of intellectual expression across all Hindu śāstras.

In this course students will be able to:

  1. Understand the ontological schema of the universe according to the empirical / realist school of thought in the Vedic systems of Philosophy.
  2. Recognize how definitions are improvised and enhanced to obtain faultlessly accurate descriptions of various entities in the universe and their characteristics.
  3. Ability to work with i.e. sort and define entities and attributes of other knowledge systems and work domains.

Area of Study: Sanskrit Studies

Required / Elective: Elective

Prerequisites:  Completion of the Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika Basic course

Faculty / Instructor:  Prof M A Alwar

Quarter Offered:  Summer Quarter

Additional information

Quarter Offered
