
Sustainability is Sanatana Dharma

CPS2003 – (C.P.H.S – Elective Course) This course explores how the modern quest for sustainability relates to the eternal search for
morality and universal truths in Sanatana Dharma. It exposes two axiomatic flaws in our global industrial civilization that prevents humanity from contributing more to the ecosystems of the planet than extracting from them. As James Lovelock said, “If the earth improves as a result of human presence, we will flourish. If it does not, we will perish.” Therefore, creating a sustainable civilization requires aligning and implementing real-world systems to facilitate our eternal search for inner peace (Chitta Vritti Nirodha) and the unity of all life (Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam).

A late payment fee of $50 will be charged for all the Summer 2022 courses registrations after July 5, 2022.

Click here to check if you are eligible for a scholarship


Course Code: CPS2003

Credit Hours: 1

Course Level: 200


CPS2003 – (C.P.H.S – Elective Course) This course explores how the modern quest for sustainability relates to the eternal search for
morality and universal truths in Sanatana Dharma. It exposes two axiomatic flaws in our global industrial civilization that prevents humanity from contributing more to the ecosystems of the planet than extracting from them. As James Lovelock said, “If the earth improves as a result of human presence, we will flourish. If it does not, we will perish.” Therefore, creating a sustainable civilization requires aligning and implementing real-world systems to facilitate our eternal search for inner peace (Chitta Vritti Nirodha) and the unity of all life (Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam).

A late payment fee of $50 will be charged for all the Summer 2022 courses registrations after July 5, 2022.

Click here to check if you are eligible for a scholarship

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Course Content:

This course explores the case that we are in a double Galilean moment in human history: whereas Galileo had to overcome one false axiom that the “sun goes around the earth” in order to trigger the Scientific Revolution in the 17 th century, we have to overcome two false axioms, the false axiom of consumerism, or the “Greed is Good” rule, and the false axiom of supremacism, or the “Might is Right” rule, in order to trigger the Sustainability Revolution in the 21 st century. In this course, we will create quantitative models for implementing the correct
axioms of inner peace and unity and thereby chart a path for personal and social transformation towards a sustainable, thriving future for humanity.

The topics that will be covered are as follows:
Session 1: Overview of the course
Session 2: Why Separation is a Delusion
Session 3: The Urgency of Reversing Environmental and Social Degradation
Session 4: The Two False Axioms of Modern Industrial Civilization
Session 5: The Killing and Burning Machines
Session 6: The Climate Bathtub Formulation
Session 7: The Berkana Two Loops Model for Transformation
Session 8: The Two Correct Axioms of a Sustainable Civilization
Session 9: The Greatest Transformation in Human History
Session 10: The Seven Strategic Actions
Session 11: Student and Teacher Reflections on the Course

Course Learning Objectives:
In this course students will be able to:
1. Understand the profound impact of Hindu teachings on our worldly outlook and how it changes our story telling
2. Appreciate the impact that the games we play have on the world around us.
3. Devise new games that can transform ourselves and transform our world.
4.Understand that the quest for global sustainability is a collective one in which we all have a duty to help our fellow humans and fellow beings.
5.Discover the enormous breadth, variety, and depth of Hindu Dharmic teachings.

Class Structure:
The class will meet once a week for up to 90 minutes. The teacher’s presentation, with the help of audio and video recordings, will last approximately 45 minutes. The remaining time will be devoted to questions and open discussion. There will be 10 such sessions followed by an additional session devoted to the presentation and discussion of student and teacher
reflections regarding what they learned from the course and how they expect it will influence their lives

Prerequisites: None

Area of Study: Conflict and Peace Studies

Faculty / Instructor:  Dr. Sailesh Rao

Required / Elective: Elective

Start Date: July 13, 2022

End Date: September 21, 2022

Time: 9.00 pm EST – 10.30 pm EST

Day: Wednesday

Quarter Offered: Summer 2022

Additional information

Quarter Offered
