
The Foundation of Vedānta

HSF5004 – Vedānta also known as the Upaniṣad, found at the end of all four Vedas, reveal the goal and purpose of human life. The vision of Vedanta is teaching that reveals the oneness of the entire existence. The course will demonstrate the significance of a systematic and methodological study that is key to gaining the vision of Vedānta.

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Course Code: HSF5004

Credit Hours: 3

Course Level: 500

HSF5004 – Vedānta also known as the Upaniṣad, found at the end of all four Vedas, reveal the goal and purpose of human life. The vision of Vedanta is teaching that reveals the oneness of the entire existence. The course will demonstrate the significance of a systematic and methodological study that is key to gaining the vision of Vedānta.

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SKU: N/A Category:


A systematic and methodological approach to the study of Vedanta will be presented. The pursuit of Vedanta through the Prasthana-traya (three-pronged approach) which includes the Śrīmad Bhagavad-Gītā, Brahma Sūtras, and the Upanishads, including prakarana granthas will be outlined. The Guru-Śhisya-Śhastra trilogy as key elements of a unique teaching tradition necessary for the transmission of knowledge and the envisioned transformation to occur will be elaborated in detail. The basic tenets of the varied schools of Vedanta – Advaita, Visiśtādvaita, Dvaita, Dvaitādvaita, Bhedābheda, Acintyabhedābheda, Śuddhādvaita, Śivādvaita, etc will be discussed.

In this course students will be able to:

  1. Recognize the preparation and prerequisites required for the study of Vedanta.
  2. Understand the nature of the Self, the Universe and the relationship between the two. 
  3. Compare Vedantic perspectives about the Self, Consciousness and the Universe with an ancient and contemporary scientific and philosophical understanding.
  4. Discover the transformative potential of Vedanta for conscious evolution, contentment, and happiness.

Areas of Study: Hindu Studies Foundations

Required / Elective: Required

Prerequisites: Admission into a Program of Study

Faculty:  Sri Swami Svatmananda
