
Vedic Science Foundations

(SAN5104) – India has its own highly systematized method of scientific discourse that is followed in all scientific texts, called śāstras. Every scientific treatise in the Vedic tradition has a well-defined structure as well as connections among all of its statements to form a coherent discourse that is both concise and precise. Mastering this method of scientific text authoring greatly simplifies the understanding of Vedic scientific work, thereby accelerating its learning and application. The structures employed in śāstras also provides a common platform for deliberations, discussions, and debates across śāstras, which is one of the most important aspects of the Indic knowledge traditions in their advancement and propagation.


1) The medium of Instruction is Sanskrit

2)Only currently enrolled Sanskrit master’s certificate students can register for these courses. 

3) Admission into Master Program in Sanskrit.

4) Completed previous MA Sanskrit Course 

Note: A late payment fee of $200 will be charged for registrations submitted after July 7, 2022


Course Code: SAN5104

Credit Hours: 3

Course Level: 500


(SAN5104) – India has its own highly systematized method of scientific discourse that is followed in all scientific texts, called śāstras. Every scientific treatise in the Vedic tradition has a well-defined structure as well as connections among all of its statements to form a coherent discourse that is both concise and precise. Mastering this method of scientific text authoring greatly simplifies the understanding of Vedic scientific work, thereby accelerating its learning and application. The structures employed in śāstras also provides a common platform for deliberations, discussions, and debates across śāstras, which is one of the most important aspects of the Indic knowledge traditions in their advancement and propagation.


1) The medium of Instruction is Sanskrit

2)Only currently enrolled Sanskrit master’s certificate students can register for these courses. 

3) Admission into Master Program in Sanskrit.

4) Completed previous MA Sanskrit Course 

Note: A late payment fee of $200 will be charged for registrations submitted after July 7, 2022

SKU: N/A Category:


Course Content:

This unique course teaches students how to study the Vedic śāstras by introducing the various layers of knowledge embedded in them i.e. at the revelation (vidyā), perception (darśana) and expression (śāstra) levels. It enables students to recognize the various structures and methodologies employed in the śāstras for defining the purpose, presentation of content, interpretation, validation, and verification of the text in a systematic manner, that allows the text to be embedded and preserved within a tradition of practice. These structures and methodologies span across various Indic knowledge traditions and understanding them to enable the śāstric treatises to become more intelligible to the students in their independent study.

In this course students will be able to:

  1. Understand the well-formulated structures in Vedic texts that aid in unambiguous interpretation as well as preservation
  2. Independently identify the structures in technical texts and comprehend the import of the texts with aid of the structures
  3. Understand the nature of systematic presentation and validation of the technical content in these Vedic śāstras

Area of Study: Sanskrit Studies

Required / Elective: Required

Prerequisites:  Admission into the Masters’ Certificate or MA in Sanskrit Program

Faculty:  Prof Shrinivasa Varakhedi

Quarter Offered: Every Summer

Additional information

Quarter Offered
